
Saturday, April 26, 2014


Hi y'all! I'm Brit, a 20-something overweight obese (according to the BMI chart), mother of one! I'm honest, caring, and now I sound like I'm writing a personal ad!

I recently took it upon myself to start losing the weight. Ever since I hit puberty (when I was 10, because of thyroid issues) I've started packing on the pounds. It isn't like I intended to be fat (who does??). It just kind of happened. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I weighed 186 pounds. On my 5'2" body, that is a lot! When I gave birth, I weighed 206 pounds (the first time I was ever over 200)!

I started my workout journey healthy lifestyle on April 7th, 2014. On April 5th, I weighed myself and I was 230 lbs. Yikes! On April 18th, I weighed myself (keep in mind that this was 2 weeks after my lifestyle change) and I weighed 221 pounds! I lost 9 pounds! Some was water weight that I lost but some was fat!

I'm not resorting to crazy fad diets or weight loss pills. I'm doing this the "old-fashioned way." I'm working out 20-30 minutes a day using, counting my calories, and making sure I eat healthy. I don't really restrict what foods I can't have. As my mom always said, "Everything in moderation!"

Welcome to Fat to Fit with Brit!